tricycle goes to business school

Early in our collaboration, the a.g. tricycle and I discovered that the University of California, Berkeley campus was a fertile ground for our creative explorations. We passed many days of play there, pointing to a new spot on the campus map and scooting off to see what it had in store. Thanks in large part to its history as a seat of disability activism, the campus is home to a number of beautifully integrated accessibility ramps. These double, of course, as jungle gyms for a tricycle and rider. That’s where this latest work began, as a ride from the top of a ramp in the Haas School of Business down to its courtyard.

That ramp lead us to a surprisingly vibrant location: the Haas courtyard. Prior to the pandemic, this part of the campus would have been bustling with young graduate students, and it still pulsed with an echo of their ambitions. Over the course of a few sunny afternoons, the a.g. tricycle and I absorbed and regurgitated what we saw and felt around us. As you may observe, we are an odd filter for the impulses of students of capitalism.


tricycle’s second duet


tricycle makes a friend