tricycle’s second duet
Tonight, the a.g. tricycle and I found ourselves back where it all began, on the CSU East Bay campus in Hayward. I’d come down for a lesson in taiko drumming and afterward accepted an invitation to stay for an Aztecan dance class. It was a long and satisfying night. My body was tired but warm and abubble with leftover energy. After the rest of the dancers left, the a.g. tricycle and I set up at CSU’s Music Department, put on some tunes, and had some fun. This is a little excerpt from our improv, in two parts. Part One uses a version of the music we were using at the time, Losing My Mind by Missio (aren’t we all these days?). I don’t remember what was in my ears during Part Two, but the rather creepy Bathroom Dance by Hildur Guonadottir will be in yours.